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About us

Innerves -- as the name shouts itself, we the owners of this website have science and technology in our nerves. We have less blood and more science in our nerves. While technology is a must nowadays, it’s becoming more difficult for people to find the perfect gizmo companion to meet their requirements. Those who have a little or no knowledge of gadgets, mostly end up buying a wrong one for them. That’s where we come in to help. This place is for every geeky to nerdy person. If you are a geek then you’ll love the place, if you are a nerd, no problem, we’ll sort everything out for you.

At Innerves, we produce the detailed stories of the latest advances in science and technology, mobile reviews, previews and a lot more. We aim to report each of the story and reviews in deepest and simplest way before you. Wash out the confusing gizmo jargon from your mind, we’ll help you to make a complete and clear picture. At the same time we’ll be providing you with the newest announcements in science from around the world. If there’s a new invention in science, you are most likely to find its news update at Innerves.

The Innerves team

The Innerves website is led and maintained by two cousins who are passionate in their respective fields. The two co-founders stood up with the idea of keeping people up with the new discoveries in this era of science and technology.

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